
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chicks to Chickens

My 8 chickens when they were fluffy peeping chicks:

6 Faverolle (fluffy feet and beards) and 2 Golden Laced Wyandotte.  Hoping they will be good moms once I get a rooster.

First time roaming free. I think they loved it! You should have seen the surprise on their faces..."ohh grass...ohhh bugs...ohh dirt!"  It was sensory overload for them. Then they hear a noise, get spooked, and bolt back inside the coop.  Really funny creatures. Make me smile when I watch them. Although sometime they watch me! They tilt their head up and I see them eyeing me up and down...what the heck are they thinking about? lol

Pickled Egg Recipes

Pickled Egg Recipes

Preserving Eggs with Mineral Oil

Preserving Eggs

My chickens are almost at the egg laying age so I'm thinking about what I will do with all those extra eggs. I have heard about preserving eggs with mineral oil and here is one link that describes it.  Interesting.

Pop Can Plant Markers

Pop Can Plant Markers

A great way to reuse aluminum pop cans, and they should last longer than the plastic ones I keep stepping on and snapping. 
My first attempt, lots of fun:

Snow Peas and Pea Pod Pickle Recipe

Snow Peas 2013

Snow Pea Pod Pickles

Snow Pea Seeds
More than enough for the next year or two. I can choose the best ones for seed and use the rest for cooking.

Total weight of harvested pea pods this year has been 11lb

 The pile of snow and snap pea plants after shelling the pods

Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden 2013

Chicken Coop

Building the chicken coop with scrap pallet wood and a very handy hubby :)